November 8, 2015
Morgan Fuels and Esso helped to raise $76,000 for Long Term Care in Sioux Lookout through sponsorship of the Annual Skip to Equip Women’s curling bonspiel in November.

December 14, 2015
Our Team at the Sioux Lookout office, was able to collect a number of items for a family in need. Individuals bought from a list a family had provided and other items where picked up with money donated by staff. These items will be brought to the First Step Women's Shelter and given out for Christmas to the family.

October 26, 2015
Morgan Fuels is the proud sponsor of the DSA (Dryden, Sioux and Atikokan) Snipers, AA Atom Girls Hockey team in Northwestern
Ontario NGHL (Northern Girls Hockey League).

November 18, 2015
Our Morgan Fuels Sioux Lookout office was proud to support the Second Chance Pet Network with a donation.

July 11, 2015
Morgan Fuels, together with Esso, was pleased to sponsor the 2nd Annual Junior Walleye Championship in Sioux Lookout. Thanks to the Sioux Lookout Anglers & Hunters for organizing such a great family event. What a beautiful day for it! First place goes to Maddie & Jason MacDonald with a total of 8.88 pounds

February 20, 2015
Mark and Gail from the Kenora office donating pucks to Heather Kasprick of the Kenora OFSAA Hockey. Morgan Fuels along with Esso supports local hockey organizations across Northwestern Ontario.

February 17, 2015
Morgan Fuels supplies toques to MVPs (most valuable players) in the Lil Bands Tournament this weekend in Dryden

December 12, 2014
A number of staff from the Sioux Lookout office became involved with the First Step Women's Shelter Adopt a Family program. The program matches a sponsor, such as Morgan Fuels with a family now living
in a particular community, free from
violence. Morgan Fuels was provided a
"Wish List" from the family, with Accounts Payable Clerk, Darcy Radford, organizing involvement this year.
July 6, 2014
Thanks to the Sioux Lookout Anglers and Hunters for putting on a great Junior Fishing Tournament in Sioux Lookout. Morgan Fuels was proud to sponsor it. First place goes to Sydney & Todd MacDonald with a total of 8.37 pounds